Longing and A Summer Walk

Longing and A Summer Walk

GCA C01 July 20, 2014 | 3:00 PM Season: 8 St. George’s Episcopal Church


“Longing and a Summer Walk: Songs of Nature, Love, and Devotion” was the first performance by our chamber choir. Eighteen singers rehearsed throughout the summer and represented the larger chorus for this summer project, the first GCA event at St. George’s Episcopal church. Nearly 200 guests attended the concert on a rainy Sunday afternoon and were treated to a cappella sacred and secular selections and four contemporary works accompanied by piano.

  1. Adoro te devote (St. Thomas Aquinas)
  2. Sicut Cervus (Palestrina, Giovanni di)
  3. If Ye Love Me (Tallis, Thomas)
  4. Lord, For Thy Tender Mercies’ Sake (Farrant, Richard)
  5. Salvete Flores Martrum (Prudentius, Aurelius C.)
  6. Jesus Christ, the Apple Tree (Poston, Elizabeth)
  7. O Lord, Increase My Faith (Gibbons, Orlando)
  8. Walking on the Green Grass (Hennigan, Michael)
  9. Contre Qui, Rose - Les Chansons des Roses (Lauridsen, Morten)
  10. So weich und warm (Cornelius, Peter)
  11. Du bist wie eine Blume (Bruckner, Anton)
  12. My Spirit Sang All Day (Finzi, Gerald)
  13. A Summer Night, and You, and Paradise (Kornelis, Ben)
  14. You Were the Wind (Childs, David N.)
  15. Moonlight and Rain (Memley, Kevin A.)
  16. Fields of Gold (Sting (arr. Lawson))